Winky Owl


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his pretty owl can either be asleep or awake, as it comes with a unique and adorable lifting eyelids feature. On its pocket, a colorful, removable flower can be squeaked. There is also rattle and crinkle on each side. The owl has ribbon ears that children can play with for fun and as a way to improve their color recognition development. Presented on a Dolce branded hanging hook. 

Why Children Love this Toy: 
● Sounds: Children will delight in creating sounds by using the toy?s squeakers. 
● Color: The variation of color makes them highly engaging for inquisitive babies. 
● Material: A high quality, safe design means babies can use different parts of the toy as teethers. 

Educational Benefits: 
● The 3D design helps toddlers to differentiate between different patterns through tactile play. 
● The toy helps to connect babies motor skills with auditory learning through squeaking it, and can also be taken for walks. 
● Visual learning is provoked through color perception. 

Other features: 
● Soft material for use as a teether toy. 
● Non-toxic (Formaldehyde Free, BPA Free).