
Connetix | Magnetic Tiles


Connteix | Magnetic Tiles | Creative Play

Connetix Tiles was officially launched in June 2019 by two families who met when their children started primary school together. After seeing how their children not only enjoyed playing with magnetic tiles but were learning while doing so.  The founders decided to create their own version that were strong and safe while offering clearer refractions than the tiles available on the market.with 

Connetix you will love building big at home and sharing your creations.


Open-ended toys not only help develop a child’s imagination and creativity, they also grow WITH the child as they learn and develop and play becomes more evolved. A simple ball run designed by a younger child might turn into a complicated creation involving more detailed engineering for an older child. If you haven’t already discovered the inspirational ideas for play over on our Instagram from play lovers around the world we highly recommend you do!